Meet The Creative: An Interview with Rim Cameron

February 29, 2024
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Rim Cameron joined us in the winter of 2023, and has already made a huge positive impact upon the studio. With a knack for innate creativity, Rim has a spontaneous and natural ability to generate brilliant ideas and creative solutions. Here, she shares with us how she uses her creativity to shape brands, what her creative characteristics are, and what gets her out of bed in the morning!

Alastair: Hi Rim, thanks for taking the time to talk to us. Can you tell us a little bit more about what instinctive creativity means to you?

Rim: Sure. Instinctive creativity is something that I believe everyone has, but not everyone taps into. It’s about instinctively finding the best and unique solution for every problem, without overthinking or following a formula. It’s about trusting your gut and letting your imagination run wild.

Alastair: How do you use your instinctive creativity to shape brands?

Rim: Well, every brand is different and has its own personality, values, and goals. So, I try to develop a unique and distinctive solution for every brand, to help them stand out against competitors and to better connect with consumers. I do a lot of research, brainstorming, and sketching, until I find the idea that clicks. Then, I refine it and present it to the client.

Alastair: What are some of the creative characteristics that define your style and approach?

Rim: My creative characteristics are ever evolving, but my love for unique and meaningful solutions will be everlasting. Predominantly, I enjoy using a combination of bold colours and strong typography – and sometimes with small funky illustrations. I like to create designs that are eye-catching, memorable, and fun, but also communicate the message clearly and effectively.

Alastair: What aspects of creativity would you say you relish the most?

Rim: The development side is the part I relish most. Breaking a brief apart and getting into the nitty gritty; taking messy sketches and creating a refined, finished project to be proud of. I love seeing the transformation from an idea to a reality, and the feedback from the client and the audience.

Alastair: Silly question, but what gets you out of bed in the morning?

Rim: Food and my coffee machine! But after that, the idea of working on multiple briefs and creating solutions for a variety of clients. From big to small briefs, I love a challenge. That’s what gets me out of bed and motivates me. I never know what the day will bring, and that’s exciting!

Alastair: Thanks for sharing your insights and inspirations with us – we look forward to seeing more of your amazing work!

Rim: Thank you for having me. It was a pleasure to chat with you!

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