Interior Branding – Creating an immersive experience

October 24, 2022
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Interior branding is a valuable tool that schools can utilise to transform their spaces…

Providing the opportunity for your brand to truly come alive, interior branding helps to reinforce your subliminal brand messaging whilst also providing a welcome pop of vibrant colour into rooms and corridors.

Bridging the gap between flat wall paint and educational displays, wall graphics can be used as an informative educational tool, or just as a means of creating a fun, bright and engaging space. They can be produced at any size, covering entire surfaces or just a few select areas, in a variety of finishes.

The general process for each installation consists of an initial scoping visit, to take measurements, followed by a series of visualised design concepts. These are then further refined based on feedback, and installed quickly and cleanly over the course of a day by our expert production partner.


Over the past year, we’ve worked closely with the Admissions and Marketing department of Hampton School, an independent boys school located just outside of London, to revitalise their interior spaces. The aim was to achieve a more cohesive feel for the interior of the school, all the while balancing the need to not appear ‘too corporate’. We developed an overall style for the interior spaces, combined with individual approaches for each department.


Like many schools, Hampton has plenty of long corridors, which provide ample opportunity for being creative. We worked with the Language Department to create a 80ft long multilingual ‘Unlock the World’ typographic design, containing illustrations of culture from around the globe. The History department on the other hand, chose to opt for a long ‘Kindertransport’  timeline, detailing key historic milestones in a clear and visually engaging format.


As the designs have been rolled out across the school, they’ve begun to expand the learning environment outside of the classroom, providing a colourful backdrop to everyday school life.


Our lead designer on this project, Emily Malpass, says:

“I loved working on this project, particularly having the opportunity to have complete creative freedom to come up with ideas on how to fill a space. It’s been a true project of collaboration, and it’s been wonderful to work closely with each department and communicate their ideas visually. The impact of the finished designs is so impressive – for me, it’s personally so exciting to see the design go from my small computer screen to being in place on a massive wall !”

Dorothy Jones, Head of Admissions and Marketing at Hampton School, had this to say:

“We’re delighted with our wall graphics! They’re great fun, have huge impact and have definitely added an extra dimension to our brand and subject departments. Quantock are great to work with – their personal approach and willingness to experiment with new ideas has without a doubt added value to this project and the end result has exceeded our expectations. Thank you, our pupils and staff love them!”

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