CORONAVIRUS Business Continuity

October 14, 2022
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As you know, we are all living through unusual and difficult times. COVID-19’s impact on global health and the economy is being felt everywhere.

I wanted to take this opportunity to inform you of what we at Quantock are doing to manage the impact closer to home.

The wellbeing and safety of our team and customers is our number one priority.

From today all of our team will be working remotely at home.

We have systems in place which will ensure that we continue to work as a co-ordinated and well-connected team.

We’d like to reassure you that this means you will receive the same level of creativity and service as you have come to expect from us, therefore please contact us as you would normally.

If you are battening down the hatches, then this is a great time to strategise and plan your next year.

Also, we have been inundated with agile briefs from all of our clients who are in need of additional communications resource.

If you are struggling with your own technology or communications platforms, then do reach out as I am certain we can help.

If not, we can point you in the right direction.

If you have any questions, myself, and my team, are here and happy to help.

You can email me directly on [email protected] (or call 01823 327532 / 07468 491942)

We’d all like to send our best wishes to every one of our clients, followers, and their families during this uncertain time.

Stay safe and look out for each other.

Further Contacts from Quantock

[email protected] 07803 038121
[email protected] – 07730 398801

Everything is changing fast, so we will continue to keep an ongoing and open route of communication.

Mark Dalton, Managing Director

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