An exciting new format for the EXILE range

October 24, 2022
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Check out our latest collaboration with Exmoor Ales, bringing their EXILE range to a new market…

Exmoor Ales launched the EXILE series of beers in 2018, with the aim of producing a modern drink for a new audience of beer-connoisseurs. When we initially designed the range, we ensured that the design was distinctly different to the established line up of Exmoor Beers, which we did by adopting a textured, street art style aesthetic.

With the closure of pubs and the rise of home-drinking due to lockdowns over the past years, Exmoor Ales found that there was an opportunity to produce a more consumer friendly format for the EXILE range. For the first time in their 41-year-old history, the Somerset-based brewery made the move towards producing a series of EXILE beers in a 440ml can, rather than just as a seasonal draught.


We developed a new can design which was purposefully strong, simple and impactful with its branding. The EXILE branding runs vertically up the side of the can, ensuring maximum shelf presence, whilst the graffiti art crops in from the right. A striking juxtaposition is creating by pairing a relatively monochrome design with bright burst of colour from the typography, creating clear varianting across the range.


Exmoor Ales’ Managing Director, Jonathan Price, summed up the move to bring Exile to the canned format:

‘‘Up until now the Exile brands have just been available in cask to the on-trade, but the growth of our off-trade business over the last year has made it more viable to expand the range and types of format. Unconstrained by the limitations of the cask format, our head brewer Tom Davis has been able to add a much greater expression of flavour and intensity to the packaged format.”Keep an eye out for new beers appearing in the EXILE canned range in the near future!

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