Sustainability: Printed by Quantock

October 24, 2022
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We’re celebrating Earth Day 2022 by highlighting our sustainable print policy…

We’ve always taken great care in partnering with suppliers who share our values of sourcing the very best materials for our clients. This means finding products that are not only of the highest quality, but are also environmentally of minimal impact.

We are proud to offer both ‘100% Recycled by Quantock’ and ‘Carbon Balanced by Quantock’ to our customers who want to go that extra mile in minimising their carbon impact.

Our offering will only increase, as newer and better technologies come to the market. We are committed to updating our policy so that we remain up to speed with the rest of the industry. In the interest of making our offering more transparent, we’ve listed out our current print offering on a new website page, so that when that beautifully printed Quantock item arrives, you’ll know that it has been produced with the best possible sustainable practices.

Check out our page on our website here to learn more:

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